
Machine operator in Roermond

Machine operator in production

  • Roermond
  • 40 stundas
  • Ražošana

Tavs jaunais darbs!

Ko Tu darīsi?

  • Maintaining order and cleanliness rules within the production process;
  • Preparing and adjusting machines before and during production;
  • Carrying out complete start-ups and changes in consultation with shift manager;
  • Ensure lines are supplied;
  • Keep a close eye on the quality of the product being produced
  • Independently cleaning and rinsing all machines;
  • Repairing minor faults;
  • Maintaining close contact with managers and colleagues to communicate and collaborate efficiently.

Ko mēs Tev piedāvajam

Blakus profesionālajai pieejai

  • FROM €16,07/h bruto
  • Fixed shift allowance of 12,50% for each shift
  • Salary is paid every week
  • 3 shifts (morning,evening,night)
  • Accommodation fulfill SNF certificate (two person rooms)
  • Health insurance
  • Free transport to work and back

Kādas prasmes ir nepieciešamas?

Kam mēs pievēršam uzmanību?

  • English minimum at B1 level (in speech and writing)
  • At least 6 months of experience as machine operator in any production environment
  • B category drivers licence is welcome
  • You are available for longer time
  • Availability for work in 3 shifts in rotation system

Par kompāniju

Neliels ievads

Dedert IJs in Roermond is a unique producer of water and fruit ice creams - a real specialist in this field in Europe!

Our ice lollies find their way to consumers mainly through retailers who have their private label produced exclusively by us or through other ice cream producers who want to partially outsource their production. And our own brand is not only known and loved within Europe but also beyond. In the whole world!

Lieliski, Tu esi ieinteresēts!

Iesniedziet savus datus

Pieteikšanās kārtība!

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Mēs pārbaudīsim Jūsu pieteikumu

Pēc pieteikuma saņemšanas mēs strādāsim pie tā, lai Jūs pēc iespējas ātrāk iekārtotu Jums vēlamā darbā

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Mūsu kolēģi ar Jums sazināsies

Mēs vēlētos uzzināt vairāk par Jums un Jūsu vēlmēm

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Mēs atradīsim Jums piemērotu darbu

Mēs pārbaudīsim, vai Jūsu prasmes atbilst tam, ko meklē mūsu klienti

Vai Tev ir kādi jautājumi?

Kontaktējies ar kādu no mūsu darbiniekiem!

Machine operator in Roermond
Jā, es esmu ieinteresēts